Sunday, January 16

Round Three - W*

Well sports fans, another W tonight, this time with an asterisk for two reasons.

1: Our gals played an outstanding game against the Colleen Madonia rink sans Colleen for some reason or other. Skipped superbly by stand in Carrie Lee Grant (sic) the Madonia foursome played a great game right down to their last rock which was a perfect freeze to our shot rock in the back of the 8 foot. Fortunately for our side in this tie game we had the last rock and Sherry played a beautiful draw/tap/hit shot right down on top of Carrie's to seal the deal and send the Middaugh Marauders Fan Club into equal measures of relief and joy.

2: This game also deserves an asterisk because both teams played on ice that can best be described as "interesting". When I asked Dave, the icemaker, before the game if he was willing to provide topographical maps of the ice surface to the teams he mentioned he might just sell me one out by the ice plant room if I had cash. I am not entirely sure he could provide one but I am damn sure someone could draw one. (Or at least trace it if he had my art teacher).

For those of you who still remember the pre-split timing numbers when 24 seconds was a pretty keen T-line weight you will know what I mean when I tell you that this ice was 20 seconds. It was not conducive to good curling to see veteran thirds hogging rocks in the 9th end, which happened much more then once.

Lovely club, nice people, challenging ice conditions.

Tomorrow we tee off against Kathy Brown of Sutton in the final of the A side. Kathy has the sunniest dispostion in curling if not the planet and is quick to smile and genuinely pleasant to be around. She is also a terrific shotmaker and we have had some great games against her. She has a talented team and her third, Janet, is an outstanding curler. Should be a barn burner.

I will let you know what happens. Game time Sunday is 2:00 PM which gives uber fan Diane Stone just enough time to watch Coronation Street before coming to the game. Don't even think about asking her to miss Celebrity Canasta for a mere curling match.

Curlers make the best people, look it up.


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