Friday, January 14

Fur Flying is the Norm

If the fur is flying and the claws are out it must be time for the Challenge Round.

As often happens when it is getting close to closing time, the magnifying glasses and the calculators were operating on overtime this past few days as both the "innies" and the "outies" jockeyed for positioning over the last 16 spots available for a shot at the Provincial Scott.

In a replay of a challenge which saw Team Middaugh moved around the seed chart just two years ago, challenges to the mathematical skills of the folks at the OCA have resulted in the draw sheet being redrawn and one team being replaced by another. Wave the magic abacus and an "outie" becomes an "innie".

Our erstwhile opponent in the opening game tonight, Jennifer Mooij, is out, replaced by Heather Moffett of Bayview Country Club. Others seem to have shifted in mysterious yet mathematically precise ways.

I have no doubt that this final draw is now fair and balanced and cast in Times New Roman font. I only hope that before the gun goes off tonight all those that belong in the CR that qualify for it are present and accounted for and that a combination of skill, talent, good ice and determination decide the winner of the obviously much sought after final spot in the Provincials.

Good luck to all the teams. It ought'a be a barn burner.


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