Saturday, January 15

Round Two - W

Our gals won a game this morning that had to be seen to be believed. Trailing throughout to a high flying Stacey Brandwood team from Glendale CC in Hamilton, our ladies were two down coming home with and struggling with both weight and the ice.

When Sherry went to throw her last rock, she faced a stone that Stacey had to have carried down the ice through a hole to lie one in the 8 foot covered. We had a lot of rocks around the 8 foot however and two in front of the house on centreline, one on the 12 and another just in front.

Like it had eyes, Sherry's last rock rocketed down the ice to a 2 oclock hit on the rock in front of the house, which just missed our rock on the centreline in the 12 foot, smacked the Brandwood rock which then made a beeline for the backline right between two of our counters without kissing either one. 3 for our side and a heart stopping win which just had to pick up the spirit of anyone who was watching that was not a member at Glendale.

It was an amazing shot and it needed all four of our gals to make it happen. At least two of the parents present were reaching for the nitroglycerin pills as the rocks came to rest and the win took hold of their frontal lobes.

Our gals now play old friend and frequent foe Colleen Madonia at 9:00 pm tonight. Mrs. Webby says we have to be there so it is nap time for the Web Guy.

The best way for me to describe the reason for the tight, thrilling games, is to quote Ann Dunn, current World Seniors Champ and participant at this Challenge, who, upon hearing reports of numerous hogged rocks in the late ends and flashes which started out as easy takeouts, said, "that ice makes everyone look like an absolute fool".

To be kind, it is a little bit runny, with patches of serious falling and the occasional unexplainable and unpredictable slooowwwiinnng down around the hog line.

The rest of the renovations at the club look great though, and they make a good cheeseburger.



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