Wednesday, March 1

So long and thanks for all the fish

Do you remember the old circus act where a couple of clowns get inside a horse costume and storm around the arena? The laughs often come when the front end wants to go one way and the back end another, hilarity ensues and a good time is had by all.

Well, the Webguy is pained to report that the good horse that has been Team Middaugh since February 2000 is splitting up, with the front end going one way and the back end another. No hilarity involved, not a bit.

As far as I know, Sherry Middaugh and Kirsten Harmark are staying together and getting a new front end. No idea what Andrea Lawes and Sheri Cordina are doing but they are both pretty good curlers and any good rink should be lucky to have either one of them as team mates.

My small role in this drama is going to be taken up by another actor just as soon as Sherry can find someone to tickle the keyboard for her. I hope they have half the fun I have had over the last 6 years, I really do.

I know it must seem like you are all alone when you read this blog or view the website, it certainly is a lonely endeavour when I write this stuff. Without any feedback it is hard not to feel like you are WKRP on a bad night, broadcasting into the ether and wondering if anyone is listening. Well, I am here to tell you that it is not so, not at all.

Sherry Middaugh has a great following across Canada, and while I don't keep statistics for the blog, I can tell you that this season alone, our web server answered over two hundred and fifteen thousand requests, over twenty three thousand individual page requests and dished all of that out to over five thousand individual computer hosts. I know our blog did much more then that, all of which makes me enormously proud of the Team which was the focus of all this attention. People don't follow losers or jerks. They are attracted to and love to be a part of class acts and friendly people. Team Middaugh has been all of that for the past 6 years.

The message is that you, friend, fan, family, have not been alone and that your time, your attention and your loyalty, has always been noted and greatly appreciated by all involved with Team Middaugh.

I am going to miss this team and look forward to joining Pat Reid Behind The Glass watching whatever incarnation the new Team Middaugh takes up. I wish them good curling and lots of giggles wherever they go.

I want to thank Sherry Middaugh for the opportunity to join in on the fun all of this time, she and her teammates always made me feel welcome and a part of their crew and I will never forget their kindness.

Sherry Middaugh is a classy lady with a great head on her shoulders who inspires and earns tremendous loyalty in her friends and team members. It is not misplaced, this loyalty, and I predict even better things to come for Team Middaugh.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

The WebGuy


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