Friday, January 6

1 & 1

It is Friday night in St. Thomas and our gals are 1 & 1 for the regions so far. This little statistical twist is possible because they lost their opening game, tied, coming home without, to a great draw to the pot by a determined Kristy Russell from Orangeville.

Our next game, scheduled for 8:30 Saturday morning was against a Bye in the draw so our actual next game is at 4:30 PM and I am happy to be here with lots of time to go bowling, or maybe visit the Jumbo the Elephant memorial.

Depending on who(m) you ask, Jumbo (here on a whistle stop with the Barnum & Bailey Circus) charged a train to save a little girl with braces on her legs who was stuck on the tracks, or a cute puppy that he had befriended, or just got into the fermented oats and thought he was about to get lucky with a great big She Elephant who smoked and whistled at the same time, I think I have had that same fantasy at some time or other. As a consequence he is buried here and they make a big deal out of it.

In any event, we lost one, (sort of) won one and I will stay in touch.



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