Sunday, December 4


For those of you who may be curious I thought I would report on how CurlTV is living up to it's potential. I have been playing with it for a few weeks now and up until Saturday I would have told you it was a big mistake. I was willing to put up with the fairly Lo bandwidth delivery which makes for either a pretty good 3" picture or a very blurry full screen reproduction of the action as a tradeoff for being able to view the morning draws that the dinks at the CCA, TSN, CBC or whoever is responsible took away from us.

Last week however I noticed a little bit of fine print which said that CurlTV did not have permission to broadcast any games from the Big Three, Trials, STOH, Briar, but would broadcast interviews. Humbug!

However, they seem to have overcome this problem and yesterday I watched Colleen thump Marie France and it was pretty good, as I keyboard interface, I am watching John Morris give a lesson in building an end to Randy Ferbey, I am really pleased to be able to watch these and even more pleased to find a company that Under Promised and Over Delivered.

I still have issues with their use of DRM (Digital Management Rights), which every geek worth his salt hates, to protect their data stream and I think it is kind of cheeky to get all proprietary over the ownership of content which I don't think they are paying the main players (actors) for nor, to my knowledge, have they asked for permission to make money off of the backs and reputations of any of these curlers.

However, for about $70 I am getting something that those other turkeys (see acronyms above) deemed too much trouble to deliver and I would pay more to stick it in their eye and I am really looking forward to morning draws from the STOH and Briar.

All in all, a good purchase and there is much more potential if they get their act together and figure out the full capabilities of the technology and straighten up their current technical problems. Right now it seems they are in a little bit over their heads.

Gotta run, Morris is just about to pick up a 3 end and I want to watch. Hooray!


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