Friday, September 23

Round Two

In round two our gals defeated Carmen Schafer, (Sorry but there is supposed to be an "umlau" sic, in there somewhere but my keyboard doesn't do that very well) by a score of 7-5.

I notice that the Colleen rink and friend Cassie's US squad left their games tied, unusual scoring system no doubt. If I remember correctly it is 2 points for win, 1 for a tie, 0 for a loss and then points for and against.

We had an old school drawmaster at High Park when I was just starting out who insisted on that system. Used to take hours to figure out how to break all the ties that you end up with at the end of round robin. This method comes from "The International Rules of Fair Play" according to Harry from High Park.

I, and judging by my email others, have been having trouble finding the schedule. It is at the bottom of the page reached from the "link" at the bottom of this post or clik on the Blue title, Round Two, at the top of this post.

Good luck and I will keep in touch.



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